I am absolutely certain that I am not alone in saying that I have an obscene amount of work to do this week. Sunday nights are infamous for worldwide agreement on one thing: "I'd just rather not do this work week." Notice that I snuck in the word "work." I think it's fair to assume those flying to tropical paradise for a week Monday morning aren't dreading the impending five sunrises. The rest of us, however, can sleep well knowing that Monday morning will take part of our soul with it, not necessarily a crucial one, but a part of our damn damned soul nonetheless. There are certain coping mechanisms I suggest individuals employ to combat Monday through Friday.
1. On Sunday afternoon, take a trip to the liquor store and just buy everything. I mean stock up as if you're P Diddy's white party planner buying alcohol for the infamous annual soirèe--AKA get all the Dom. Okay, no don't do that. You'll have blown your takeout budget and will have to tear apart your couch looking for spare change, when, at 7:00 pm, you are inevitably stripped of what little vigor with which you began the day, and the stove is your most formidable enemy. Do, however, treat yourself to a well-deserved glass of wine--no restrictions as to the size of said glass goblet.
2. Plan Monday's outfit on Sunday night. I promise that on Monday morning you'll be overjoyed with your new found sense of preparedness, and for the love of God, make your sartorial choices interesting. Feeling good in your outfit makes the whole day better, or so I'm told. I wouldn't know as I have never worn anything other than sheer sartorial perfection.
3. Wake up early, so you have time to get the best cup of coffee possible. You and I are both fully aware that your Keurig's brewing capabilities are not equivalent to those of a certified barista. I have no opinion regarding the machine and/or individual from which/whom you obtain your second, third, fourth, or fifth cups.
4. Update your playlist Sunday night with one or two new additions. If you commute to work, listening to different music is refreshing--new week, new music.
5. Just hope that you make it to Friday with the your life in relatively the same state it was at the beginning of the week. Unless of course, you were promoted or won the lottery, both of which undoubtedly will not happen to me.
There is a shining light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not St. Peter's foglight at the pearly gates of heaven *crosses stubby fingers and knocks on nearest wooden object*. It is, however, the fluorescent light coming from your friends and your favorite bar's sign.
(Quite literally) Cheers,
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