Full blown fisting it |
So are you missing clothes yet? Have you been salivating while reading the blog for the last few posts? 'Cause I am every time I start writing a new post lately. I mean it could be worse... I could be posting pictures of old women dressed in full bondage gear. Any takers???
I am probably the world's biggest burger fan. There's something about a burger that just gets mah special hormones pumping. Some people say stew does that for them. like what is wrong with you? Remember how I told you about how it's absolutely essential to keep in touch with your long lost best friends and how you need to debrief (preferably in person) at least every two weeks? This was one of my debriefings. I got together with one of my absolute best friends in the world,
Sarah, and we made possibly the best burger (read as: "coronary waiting to happen") I've had in two months. There's no better combination than burger, mozzarella, and bacon. Some roasted potatoes and butternut squash is a pretty savvy addition, as well.
The other day, I was stalking one of my favorite bloggers and found her recipe for these little gems. They're called Slutty Brownies, and they're the actual shit. If you haven't heard of them or can't tell from the pictures what the ingredients, then pop an aspirin and cross your fingers so you don't get a heart attack. Now, read.
1. line the pan with chocolate chip cookie dough
2. Stack up those Oreos
3. Pour the brownie mix over it all
4. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes at 350 degrees--it really depends on your oven.
5. Take those bitches out and eat 'em up